Early cycle Long A Crystalline , parboiled type, suitable for delayed sowing within the end of May, appreciated by the industry
- Plant Height: 90 cms
- Vegetative Cycle: 135 days
- Pyricularia resistance: Good
- Helmintsporium resistance: Good
- Lodging resistance: High
- Tillering ability: Medium
- Plant senescence : Low
- Production: High
- Seed Hectare Dose: 200/220 Kgs
- Grain type: 6.4 x 2.7 mm, very crystalline
- Amylose: low
Technical Advice:
- Variety characterized by a fast germination and growth
- Interesting for its earliness that allow an effective control of red rice, while guaranteeing an advantageous production
- Good resistance to diseases
- In case of high nitrogen fertilization , fungicide treatment advice